Below you will find 3 seperate articles relating to Garrison, his church at that time called the OCCNA and an E-mail from Andrei Brennan about some of these claims.

1 - Excerpt from the OCCNA website
2 - OCCNA Fairy Tale (add'l) information
3 - Andrei Brennan E-mail (supported by signed letter)

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Excerpt from OCCNA page

Denis Garrison and his group admit here that they, not THEOCACNA, established the Roman Orthdox Church. When Garrison first formed the OCCNA he attempted to claim they were THEOCACNA under this new name.

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The Roman Orthodox Church is a Charter Church of the OCCNA. They did attemt to claim to have been charterd by THEOCACNA which we deny and have documented the claim that they were charted by the OCCNA and independent group that at one time was headed by Denis Garrison. It is a western rite within the OCCNA that expresses its Orthodoxy through the Holy Rule of St. Benedict. St. Benedict was a pre-schism western saint, who offers us an example of traditional western orthodoxy. The "Old Roman" identity is merely a tool to reach western hearts. It is both Orthodox and familiar, rather than the unfamiliar estern pattern of worship. For the first millennium, Rome was Orthodox.

A statement on Churches that are in communion with the OCCNA can be found on the Roman Orthodox Church site.


OCCNA fairy tale

Saved e-mail message

Date: Tue, May 9, 2000, 10:52pm (CST+1)
Subject: OCCNA fairy tales

It appears that another document (shown below) in the form of an affidavit is in the mail (and e-mailed) to us from a former OCCNA associate bishop who states there was no excommunication of Metropolitan know to the clergy while he was with the OCCNA (he left them after our decrees were issued by the North American Holy Synod).

Since an ORC bishop claims, based on a copy of a certified mail receipt, that the mail receipt is proof the Metropolitan signed for the excommunication decree is absurd.

The OCCNA was sent an email demand for proof of the decree being issued and copy of any so called decree or a letter that it does not exist. We have not received any acknowledgement by email and await such information by mail if they dare send a copy.

We contend the return receipt was the one signed when Garrison sent his letter confirming his resignation as of Aug. 12, 1997, datedAug 26, 1997 and signed for on Aug. 30, 1997 and the letter has the certified mail number on it and the date received noted. The letter also has "sent by Certified Mail" across it. Garrison addressed it to Metropolitan Victor, titles included, "and the North American Holy Synod". It appears odd Garrison would use titles and resign in writing jointly to the "excommunicated" Metropolitan and Synod if in fact the Synod had acted as claimed. Or is it claimed that Garrison joined the OCCNA prior to resigning from this Church - which of course violates Orthodox Canon Law (clergy cannot serve 2 Churches).

It appears the OCCNA is getting non-OCCNA individuals to promote their lies and will allow such individuals to flounder in legal problems with action is taken based on these defaming rumors and lies.

We advise all parties to the lies to act now to correct their errors and unfounded statements.

Fr. Thomas
Metropolitan Victor
and the
North American Holy Synod

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The OCCNA never responded to our demand for proof this decree was issued. They claim they issued a decree but failed to show by what authority, they did not provide copies to the Metropolitan or synod of this Church and it was not made public at the time it was issued.

It appears the so called decree is a figment of someones imagination used as an attempt to discredit the Metropolitan and Synod of this Church. This Synod, as the only synod with authority over the Metropolitan, DID NOT issue any decree against Metropolitan Victor and Garrison and his associates after resigning and walking away from this Church had no authority to act. They falsely claimed Metropolitan Victor had headed the OCCNA in an attempt to show authority and jurisdiction. When a demand was made to remve Metropolitan Victors picture from their site showing him as "former primate of the OCCNA" they did remove the photo and his name.


Metropolitan Victor was never primate of or associated with the OCCNA!

Garrison, Dolan, Stoms and Brennan WERE associated with Theocacna but left and established the OCCNA.

The OCCNA (Garrison) chartered the Roman Orthodox Church and stated this on their website (we copied for documentation).

The OCCNA was established by Garrison and his associates and was not canonically established. He has again changed the name to the Ecumenical Orthodox Catholic Church.

Theocacna was canonically established by the Russian Orthodox Synod of Bishops in North America while Garrison established many independent "churches" under different names including our name. His established churches are not canonical nor is he canonical.

The 1927 Charter was issued to this Church which was headed by Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh and incorporated by him in 1928. We are that Church & Corporation.

All others who claim to be us, claim our charter, our name, our history, etc are liars. True Orthodox Clergy have no need to lie!

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E-mail letter from Andrei Brennan

Saved message  

Date: Fri, Sep 1, 2000, 7:39pm
Records, files and archival information

Message From: (Metropolitan-Archbishop ANDREI (S.P. Brennan), DD)
Date: Tue, May 9, 2000, 11:27pm (CDT+5)
Subject: Text of letter posted

Eminent and Most Reverend Sirs:
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
As discussed in the e-mail correspondence, I removed myself from any membership, position, communion or even informal fellowship with the "synod" of the "Orthodox Catholic Church in North America" in July of 1999. I have come to repent of my involvement with that group, and have realized that they can hardly be accounted a Christian Church, and certainly they were never an Orthodox Catholic jurisdiction as defined by the Holy Canons. I do not contest your claims to be the only remaining legitimate heirs of St. Aftimios Ofiesh, and have long ago stopped using any references to affiliation with THEOCACNA or its apostolic lineage in our jurisdictional propaganda. Our Church in Canada is a daughter church of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. I am attaching a letter certifying that I had no knowledge of any attempt on the part of Denis Garrison et al. to depose or in any other way canonically interfere with the person and works of Metropolitan VICTOR.

Friday, May 5, A.D. 2000 (New Style)
The Most Rev. VICTOR (Prentice) and brother bishops The North American Holy Synod The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America Church Office
HC 74, Box 419-2 Mtn View, AR. U.S.A.   72560


Eminent and Most Reverend Sirs:

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

I hereby certify and affirm the following statement to be the full truth: "I, Andrei Shawn Patrick Bazilsky-Brennan, of the City of Kitchener, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the Province of Ontario, in the Dominion of Canada, make affirmation and declare that at no time preceding, during, or following my involvement with DENIS MICHEL GARRISON of Maryland and the other denizens of the so-called 'ORTHODOX CATHOLIC CHURCH IN NORTH AMERICA' was I ever aware of or party to any attempt on their part or my own to suspend, depose, excommunicate, anathematize, or otherwise canonically molest the person of His Eminence, Metropolitan-Archbishop VICTOR (Prentice) of Mountain View, AR., senior hierarch of THE HOLY EASTERN ORTHODOX CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH IN NORTH AMERICA (THEOCACNA), and I further certify my willingness to confirm this affirmed declaration openly and/or under oath as circumstances require."

Dated this Friday, May 5, A.D. 2000 according to the civil calendar, with my own Sign Manual affixed below, and the signature of a witness of proper age and sound mind. Signed:                                

      Andrei Shawn Patrick Bazilsky-Brennan



