Registered and Claimed Copyrights, Service Marks and related legal info

This website of the Original Church Corporation of "THE HOLY EASTERN ORTHODOX CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC CHURCH in NORTH AMERICA, INC." is protected by our Registered and claimed Copyright's and Service Marks.


This logo is the original Logo of our Church and is our Registered Service Mark owned by Archbishop Victor. It continues to be the service mark of this Church since we have never ceased to exist. Our date of incorporation is Feb. 1, 1928 and we have never ceased to exist to this date. Any use of this without our permission will infringe our legal rights and service marks. Our name and logo are not available for use by anyone at will since we have had and continue to use the Service Mark, our log and corporate name.

A Trademark or Service Mark does not need to be Registered to be the legal property of the owner who has used that mark for years. Registration does prove prior use and if that owner is still using that name it is the property of that owner, in this case by the Church that was established/Chartered in 1927 and incorporated in 1928 by the first Archbihop, Aftimios Ofiesh. Use by others is then infringement.

Corporate Certificate

Corporate Directors

Service Mark

This Church was canonically established by the Russian Synod of Bishops in North America (Moscow Patriarchate) on Feb. 2, 1927 and incorporated on Feb. 1, 1928 by Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh and others. Mariam Ofiesh sat on our board of trustees until 1999.

Aftimios Ofiesh

Ignatius Nichols

Our name, etc.

About the real us


Service Mark

Legal Notice: This website and photographs are Registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. Our name and logo are Registered or claimed Service Marks of this Church (Corporation). Our name and logo are also Registered with the State's of Arizona and Tennessee. Any unauthorized use of our name and logo (Our mark) or copyrighted materials will be considered infringement and theft of our legal property. Anyone claiming to be us or part of this Church and not shall be considered guilty of fraud.

The law does not require a continous registration of a service or trademark. Use and ownership for 5 years gives you full ownership. We have had the name since 1927 and claim commonlaw ownership since 1932. We claim Ownership under the law since we registered the name with the USPTO in 2000 and our service mark (name and logo) were legally ours as of January 2005. 15 USC 1065

Updated website Copyright Registration TX 7-332-746 (Dated: Feb. 16, 2011)
Former Registration - 2002

Registered Copyright Number TXu 1-096-704 protects the copyrighted pages of this and mirror domains and sites
(dated Nov. 5, 2002).

Registered Copyright Number VAu 567-087 protects the photographs of Metropolitan Victor (dated Sept. 10, 2001).

Registered Copyright Number VAu 565-585 protects the photographs of the Synod and related photos
(dated Nov. 5, 2002).

2008 - Most Rev. Victor Prentice

Do Not Link or Copy without written permission any part of this website (text, jpgs or gifs).