Letter by Chorepiscopus Andrew

Remember we are a canonically established Orthodox Church and follow Holy Scripture, the Canons and Traditions of the Orthodox Church.

1. Entreat unity - For true orthodox unity people need to give up the desire to run the Church in the manner they want to follow - the true Ancient historic Cannons - (not to pick and choose only the cannons convenient to their own likings.) - and their personal desires.

2. If your orthodox, follow the orthodox cannons; but, if your Old Catholic then follow the Old Catholic cannons not the ones you've 'made up'. Since Old Catholics are not Orthodox they must cease to use the name of Orthodox which is a wicked deception to the real Eastern Orthodox.

3. Unity will only come when people are determined to submit to a higher authority. (The era of so many 'Little Kings' ruling over kingdoms of nothing will come to nothing.)

4. A Priest, Deacon and Bishop MUST be under Authority; it is and has always been the way of the Church from Ancient times to today. Those not under authority are renegades and have no canonical credibility, therefore, they do not possess valid or real Holy Orders. Many are charlatans and confidence men.

5. The reason THEOCACNA cannot be in communion with such other groups and individuals is that the Cannons direct whom we may share the altar with and pray beside; we must be in one accord in matters of Church doctrine, spiritual belief, and religious ideals.

Only by incardination and or ordination along with a confession of true Orthodoxy viz. Nicene Creed (not he Roman "Apostles Creed") and by obedience shall people and clergy be considered Orthodox. True Eastern Orthodox clergy must needs be submitted and under either a Metropolitan, Patriarch, or Primate (Igumen is included to be under the same authority); when one leaves their jurisdiction they leave behind all Priestly powers until under another jurisdiction. Failing this if still practicing in a 'freelance' manner they are considered and in fact are renegades with no canonical powers to act.

Eastern Orthodox (either Eastern Rite or "Western Rite") Oriental Orthodox, and Ethnic Eastern Orthodox with other such recognized jurisdictions being part of or under a canonically established jurisdiction is acceptable and preferred.

Follow the teachings of the Church the Body of Christ as defined in Holy Scripture, Ecumenical Councils, Cannons and Traditions of the ancient Christian Church. We are Eastern and oriental Orthodox, we are not 'freelance' philosophers espousing our own inclinations as practices and in junctures put onto the laity. Orthodoxy is perfect as it is and as it always has been.

Heresy is what ? ! Holy Scripture refers to 'defending the Gospel', This is good. God doesn't need us to defend Him, but, the Church is to be protected from wrong teachings - wrong preaching - from those who teach and preach 'doctrines of devils' Heresy is never to be tolerated in any measure or in any forms. Heresy is a departure from true Church doctrine.

Unity must be created, maintained, and nurtured by a common vision - the Nicene Creed -the Holy Scriptures - the Orthodox Cannons - Obedience - if clergy are answerable to no one then man is a renegade and heretic, therefore Anti-Orthodox and at variance with all true established Christianity as well as true Eastern Orthodoxy. He is anathemas of his own accord, not by ours. He has made his own choice in favor of madness and demonic oppression.

If anyone promotes errors against the Holy Scriptures they are not Orthodox nor are they Christian. Therefore, enemy of the Body of Christ. Our faith is an absolute faith. There can be no compromising with the worldliness of the devil. The Holy Church cannot be yoked with deviants and fakers - those who tell lies concerning 'female ordination', promote sodomy, and self-seeking delusions of a false 'grandeur'.

The greatest are the servants of the laity, not those lords of misrule. We are here to quietly MINISTER to our people, not to promote our personal social agendas. These latter are repugnant, self-serving, and filled with sinful notions. We are here to serve Christ, not ourselves. To 'rightly divide the scriptures' - to preach the Good News - to love as Christ loves us insomuch as this is humanly possible.

May the blessings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be upon you, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, One God, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen

+Andrew of the Five Wounds
Given at Holy Family Orthodox Church September 10 2012
Patriarch +Nikon presiding