
The Living Church

The "HOLY" Orthodox Catholic Patriarchate of America was incorporated in Ohio in 1999 by Michael of New Albany, OH. He spent time in Ohio State Prison, claims to be a primate of the (independent) Orthodox group, claims to be successor of Peter I, and he forges photos on the internet claiming to be "canonical". We have a photo where he covers Abp. Iakovos' face with his in a picture claiming to be with other Orthodox bishops taken with former President Bush. We have an e-mail from the NY office of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese they do not know Michael K. The "HOLY" Orthodox Catholic Patriarchate of America was never a NY corporation.

Our Church has been asked to take over the corporation to protect it, so we sent that document to the DOS and after many months were able to change the corporate name. Michael K. seeks public recognition as he did with your office. His name was never on the corporate record in NY according to a letter we received from the NY DOS during our correspondence to assume control of the Church corporation.

We were asked to take over because we are the first established American Orthodox Church - est. in 1927 by the Russian Synod under the Moscow Patriarch, and originally incorporated in 1928 in MA.

Our Church was headed by Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh from St Nicholas Cathedral in Brooklyn, He was born in 1880 and died in 1966. We were canonically established Feb 2, 1927, Incorporated Feb 1, 1928 in Boston, MA. The Church was under Locum Tenens from 1966 to 1997 when Metropolitan Victor was elected Archbishop President and the new title of "Metropolitan" was used to replace "Archbishop President". We changed the name of the patriarchate (NY Corpration) to our full corporate name, also our registered service mark with the USPTO, so we are now a NY state corporation since March under our name "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America". In July 2003 our synod declared this Church to be the American Orthdox Patricharate.