
Copyright - 1999, 2001
The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America ®
All Rights Reserved

The following is a copy of the Certificate of Good Standing provided us by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts regarding our Church corporation: 

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts 
Secretary of the Commonwealth 
State House, Boston, Massachusetts 02133 

Wm Francis Galvin 
Secretary of the 

August 6, 1999 

To Whom It May Concern: 

I hereby certify that, 


appears by records of this office to have been incorporated under the General Laws of this Commonwealth on February 1, 1928 (Chapter 180)  

I also certify that so far as appears of record here, said corporation still has legal existance. 

In Testimony of which, 
I have hereunto affixed the 
Great Seal of the Commonwealth 
on the date first above written. 
/ss/ William Francis Galvin 
Secretary of the Commonwealth 


Abp. Aftimios

The Articles of Incorporation of this Church follow: 

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts 

Be it known that whereas Aftimios Ofiesh, Boris R. Burden, B.G.Mahfouz, Assad Musarri, Dimitry J. Khoury, Rasheed Abdelnour, John H. Shayeb and Alexander Zahka have introduced themselves with the intention of forming a corporation under the name of  

The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America ® [now a registered service mark of this Church] for the purpose of the following:- To provide sacraments and spiritual ministrations in accordance with the canons, traditions and usages of the Holy Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Churches of the East, for all persons of the Orthodox Catholic faith, residing or visiting in America; to establish for this purpose, an autocephalous, independent, self-governing, ecclesiastical body in America, in full communion with other autocephalous churches and patriarchates of the Eastern Orthodox Catholic faith throughout the world; to assume ecclesiastical, spiritual, and temporal charge and administration of the affairs of the communicants and missions of the Orthodox Catholic Churches of the East in America, irrespective of the race, nationality, language or previous form of organization or affiliation with, or submission to, the jurisdiction of any branch or establishment of the Orthodox Catholic Church of the East; to provide for the extension and missionary activity of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic faith in America or elsewhere; to provide for the instruction and training of the spiritual children and adherents of the Holy Eastern Orthodx Catholic faith in America, and to this end to establish and operate schools, seminaries, monasteries, orphanages and such other institutions as may be necessary or convenient for this purpose. To purchase, sell, hold, administer and dispose of real and personal property in and outside of this Commonwealth, for the benefit of such corporation or church or of any parish, congregation, society, church, mission, synod, religious, benevolent, charitable or other educational institution which may hereafter become a part of, or affiliated with this corporation, and to do and perform any religious work or activity, and to do and perform any and all acts necessary and proper to further the purposes and objects hereinbefore contained; and have complied with the provisions of the Statutes of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided, as appears from the certificate of the Proper Officers of said corporation, duly approved by the Commissioner of Corporations and Taxation and recorder in this office:  

Now therefore, I, Frederic W. Cook, secretary of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that said  

Aftimios Ofiesh,
Boris R. Burton,
B.G. Mahfouz,
Assad Mudarri,
Dimitry J. Khoury,
Rasheed Abdelnour,
John H. Shayeb and
Alexander Zahka,
their associates and successors, are legally organized and established as, and are hereby made, an existing corporation under the name of 

The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America ®  

with the powers, rights and privileges, subject to the limitations, duties and restrictions, which by law appertain thereto.  

WITNESS my official signature hereunto subscribed, and the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts hereunto affixed, this first day of February in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight.  

(L.S.) (Signed Frederic W. Cook)  
Secretary of the Commonwealth 
